Recently, a Chinese individual posted an intriguing story online, recounting details revealed by a former college classmate who served at a Chinese military base...
Since the opening of Costco’s Shenzhen flagship store on January 12, it has become a popular holiday destination for Hong Kong residents traveling north,...
On the 22nd, the Eastern Theater Command of China issued a statement, noting that the U.S. Navy's guided-missile destroyer "Johnson" had transited the Taiwan...
The Type 071 amphibious transport dock is currently the second-largest amphibious transport dock in the world, only behind the U.S. "San Antonio" class. During...
Author: Lu Cheng
Because I study the Hetu and Luoshu, I immediately understood what this is about.
The Spiral Projection of Infinite Order
Logarithmic Spiral
Shanxi Aurui Biomaterials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shanxi Aurui) is under suspicion of illegally purchasing corpses and limbs as raw materials for...
"China's Mysterious Space Plane Flies Over Europe." According to Chinese media citing the American space news website "," an Austrian astrophotographer recently announced that...
Author: Analyst Li Xun
Let me tell you, if Harris comes to power, America is truly finished.
Recently, I've seen many people praising Harris, saying she...